Des boules en plastique et un GROS électroaimant

Ça commence (la vidéo) bizarrement mais ensuite ça vaut le coup d’œil !


J'avais déjà noté le côté TRÈS électrostatique des boules des piscines à boule, mais je ne pensais pas qu'on pouvait les faire réagir à ce point !

En vidéo sur le lien et plus bas.

F5 2011 RE:PLAY Film Festival. Inductance from Physalia Studio on Vimeo.

“Happy” was the theme we were given by the organizers for this year's F5 Re:Play Fest, held in April in NYC, to create this edition's pieces, probably the hardest thing to convey in any artistic expression. After a good deal of introspection, and teaming up with awesome motion graphics artist Gerardo del Hierro, we decided that happy wasn't happy for Physalia unless pliers, microchips and a bit of soldering were involved, and with this idea we resolved to create the happiest machine Physalia has built to date.


Direction: Physalia ( ) & Gerardo del Hierro ( )
Music: Fernando Dominguez

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