Disney labs ajoute du tactile là où il n'y en a pas ...

Marrant ... faire passer, ou pas, un courant (très faible) dans le corps humain pour faire croire aux nerfs tactiles qu'il passent sur un truc en relief ... alors que c'est lisse.

Imaginez un écran de tablette qui donne l'impression de formes ou presque quand on passe le doigt dessus =)
Mais bon: cette technique ne marche qu'avec un doigt !!!  Si plus d'un, ils auront tous l'impression de toucher quelque chose.

Je cite la citation du site: “REVEL is based on Reverse Electrovibration. It injects a weak electrical signal into anywhere on the user’s body, creating an oscillating electrical field around the user’s skin. When sliding his or her fingers on a surface of the object, the user perceives highly distinctive tactile textures that augment the physical object. Varying the properties of the signal provides a wide range of tactile sensations.”

Là sur l'image de la vidéo, l'utilisateur ressentira une forme quand il passera sur le "blanc" en sur impression de la théière.


Disney REVEL Adds Tactile Effects To Your Sense Of Touch (video)


La vidéo:


31 juil. 2012 par 

REVEL is a new wearable tactile technology that modifies the user's tactile perception of the physical world. It can add a layer of artificial tactile texture to almost any surface or object, with very little if any instrumentation of the environment. As a result, REVEL can provide dynamic tactile sensations on touch screens as well as furniture, walls, wooden and plastic objects, and even human skin.

REVEL is based on Reverse Electrovibration. It injects a weak electrical signal into anywhere on the user's body, creating an oscillating electrical field around the user's skin. When sliding his or her fingers on a surface of the object, the user perceives highly distinctive tactile textures that augment the physical object. Varying the properties of the signal provides a wide range of tactile sensations.

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