Bien amené/tourné - Do Video Games Make You Violent? | Learn Liberty

En anglais mais compréhensible. J'aime bien la démo même si elle a des failles et qu'on peut faire dire ce qu'on veut à des chiffres.

Comme je dis toujours lors de ce genre de discussion:

  • tu peux être un génie au violon et psychopathe.  Ce n'est pas pour cela que tous les violonistes sont des psychopathes
  • tu peux être un champion en art martial et ZEN ou pas
  • tu peux être un rugbyman et dans la vie une crème (parce que tu connais ta force) mais qui peut tourner pour d'autres
  • tu peux être un demi Dieu à Counter Strike et un Bisounours dans la vie

L'un n'entraine pas l'autre...

Do Video Games Make You Violent? | Learn Liberty

La vidéo:


28 oct. 2014

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While there’s a great deal of controversy around video games and their potential link to violence behavior in youth, statistics show something a little bit different. The studies done by Professor Michael Ward and other researchers argue that video games don’t make today’s youth violent. Still, lawmakers and congressmen are making decisions that could curb the creative liberty of video game designers.

► Sources:

Decline in youth violence over the last 20 years: 
• Prof. Mike Ward’s three studies on the connection between video games and violence:

Michael R. Ward, “Video Games and Crime,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 29(2) (April 2011) 261-273.

Michael R. Ward, “Video Games and Adolescent Fighting,” Journal of Law and Economics, 53(3) (August 2010) 611-628.

Scott Cunningham, Benjamin Engelstätter, and Michael R. Ward, “Understanding the Effects of Violent Video Games on Violent Crime,” Working Paper, April, 2011.

► Learn More:

• Here's a longitudinal study from Germany that finds no evidence for video game violence effects:

• Here's a correlational study finding no relationship between video game 
violence and youth violence with other factors controlled:

• A correlational study of inmates that finds that video games don't 
incite crime, although criminals may pick up a few small elements from video games:

• This one finds the release of violent video games are associated with declines in crime:

• Experimental study finds that when you control for competitiveness, the effects of violent video games go away:­-4-259.pdf

• A longitudinal study finding no relationship between violent video games and youth aggression or

• Video game industry page on violence:

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