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Exemple de recherche avec 'Murphy Law"

[PDF] SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING FACULTY PERSONNEL RECORD Swift, Howard, "A New Application of Murphy's Law," expected September 1990. Master's
Theses List chronologically MEng Theses List chronologically
ocw.mit.edu/NR/rdonlyres/Health-Sciences-and-Technology/HST-590Fall-2006/15CA4A5A-D7D7-445C-9E4C-6E848713448B/0/fpr_nov_21_04.pdf - 2008-06-24

[PDF] 1 3/26/05 PHYSICAL LIMITS TO MODULARITY By Daniel E Whitney Senior 13 Mead, NSFWorkshop introduction op cit. 14 The theoretical basis for this effect
is called "Murphy's Law" after a person actually named Murphy.
ocw.mit.edu/NR/rdonlyres/D27589EE-7980-4521-9B3E-5AC958DCED55/0/whitny_modul_lmt.pdf - 2008-06-24

[PDF] Nuclear Energy is used in the same Page 4. Conversion “Efficiencies” Energy Murphy’s Law Known also as the
Second Law All conversion processes involve “losses” that
ocw.mit.edu/NR/rdonlyres/Chemistry/5-92Spring-2007/LectureNotes/conversion.pdf - 2008-09-02

Merci à Vincent pour l'info !

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