Motard - crack/ihhiiiiii, boum, Pchhhht, Orange, bump-bump-bump, Pffffffffffffffff

En espérant juste que ça ne finisse pas en jus ... d'orange ...

Mais l'idée est bonne, si la voie est libre ... j'imagine dans un tournant il peut y avoir des obstacles, genre mur ou pire ... un ravin. 
Sans la "boule", le motard risque alors de s'arrêter (avec dommages) contre la glissière, dans sa boule il risque de jouer à Vil le coyote.


Airbag suits? You ain't seen NOTHING yet: 'Safety Sphere'

La vidéo:


le 14 déc. 2011

Rejean Neron's Safety Sphere is a protective suit which inflates to a man-sized sphere, completely enveloping the rider in the event of a crash. It inflates in five hundredths of a second, cushioning the rider for any impact (except perhaps those into giant spikes) and consists of a loose fitting coverall suit comprised of two layers of fabric.

Neron explains: "The outer layer is made up of a highly resistant parachute type material. The inner layer is made up of a thin, moderately elastic synthetic material. In a collision situation, the passengers are thrown from the motorcycle, the cord connecting them to the motorcycle seat disconnects, the electrical voltage plummets, and the electronic circuit processor inside the belt buckle housing of each occupant connects the 9 volt battery to an electric igniter in the back housing of their respective suits." This triggers the firing of an explosive canister of propellant called nitrocellulose.
Neron is a motorcycling idealist who believes bikes could play a massive role in alleviating congestion in 21st century cities, if only riders' fear of crashing's consequences could be reduced to those of the prang-happy car driver. He's been working on the Safety Sphere for many years, through 'countless' iterations and is now looking for backing to bring the design to production. 

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