Hmm, le neeeeed du prochain Noël ?

Wow, ça titille le Paypal un truc pareil ...

Is This Robot the Greatest Toy in the Universe?

Pas trouvé d'infos sur le prix, dispo, ...

Je vous laisse admirer le robot et ses extensions dans la vidéo:


 le  9 févr. 2012

To suggest your name and receive product updates go to ""
Here's their Promo video... ""

Incase you don't know... thats me... Jaimie. I invented these things. I'm pretty psyched because this is something I've wanted to do since I was a wee little lad, and perused the toy store to find loads of poop. Its been literally an epic journey, and I'm exhausted, but almost to the finish line. :-) Well.... one particular finish line, anyway. :-)

Et la vidéo de PROMO nettement plus PRO


 le 10 févr. 2012

Wow! Stuff are giving you the chance to name our next big hit blockbuster toy of 2012!

Check out the inventor talking about it:

Then submit your name and join the mailing list for updates:

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