Human helicopter - wow, quelques secondes de vol et presque 3 mètre en hauteur

Ça a l'air quand même TRÈS fatiguant !

Et pour gagner le prix de 250 000 $ (AHS Igor I. Sikorsky Human Powered Helicopter Competition ('The Sikorsky Prize')), il faudrait tenir 1 minute à plus de 3 mètre de haut ... là il a fait 25 secondes avec un max de 2,5 m


Gamera II Human Powered Helicopter Sets New Unofficial Altitude Record (video)

La vidéo:


28 août 2012 par 

Team Gamera is back and flight testing their modified version of Gamera II Human Powered Helicopter at the PG Sports and Learning Complex in Landover, MD. 

With new pilot and incoming UMD Freshman Henry Enerson in the cockpit, a maximum altitude test flight was attempted. Needless to say we were not quite expecting what happened next. Henry smoothly pedaled Gamera up to just over 8 feet (2.5 meters) altitude and had a controlled descent for a flight time of about 25 seconds. This is not an "official" record but is certainly the highest a human powered helicopter has ever reached.

Our goals are to continue flight testing to achieve a 3 meter (10 ft) altitude as part of the AHS Igor I. Sikorsky Human Powered Helicopter Competition ('The Sikorsky Prize'). Stay tuned to this youtube channel as more historic flights are achieved and posted!

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