Dessiner Wolverine en "inverted" ... original

Mais bon, dur d'admirer le résultat sans jouer avec la photo sur ordinateur du sieur Brian Lai ;)

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Artist's Inverted Sketches Reveal Wolverine Drawings

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11 déc. 2013

[Invert Art] Brian Lai - Invert Drawing

I'm going to make this quick and rough, just to show you how I done that invert drawing. You need to practice a lot so the toning won't run out of control (Sometime I'll run out of control).

For more realistic and faster drawing, you will need a digital tools to check your tone.
You can photoshop your reference(ctrl+i), or use your iPhone camera with Invert function on.
This is how I done that Wolverine Sketch.

*Sorry for the bad angle, I'll find a better angle next time.

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