Design - Windows 10 for Foldable Devices

Je suis quasi le seul "autour de moi" à avoir un smartphone Windows 10, mon 950 XL ... et je l'Aime et j'Aime ce sysex.  Nah !

Voici un concept de  Windows 10 "pliable", un surface Phone ... s'il n'existe un jour =)
C'est un "design challenge" qui commence le 15 juin 2018, cf plus bas. Note: pas organisé par M$ !

A (je vais) suivre...

Would this foldable Surface Phone running Windows 10 make you switch from Android or iPhone? surface-phone.jpg

Le pitch:

Say hello to Windows 10 for foldable devices, a 100-day design challenge by Harry Dohyun Kim. It is a live document for every crazy ideas on the future of Windows. Follow the project on social media and submit your feedbacks and proposals. Anything is golden, from general comments about look and feel, to suggestions for new features, to notes on user experience quirks. The ideas will be put to the test as design mock-ups and be integrated into the final product. The project will evolve through your participation. This is a call-to-arms for fans and enthusiasts. The challenge begins on June 15th, 2018. For more, check out the channels below. Behance: Twitter: Reddit: Trello:

La vidéo:

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