Chine - des pupuces pour reconnaitre et géolocaliser les élèves en test ...

"Bidouilleurs de la salle machineuh..."

hackez moi ce truc !!!
AIUS un jour, AIUS toujours !
(comprenne qui pourra ;) )

Chinese schools are using chips in uniforms to monitor students
GPS and ID chips combine with a facial recognition system to track kids (but only during school hours) chinese-schools-are-using-chips-uniforms-monitor-students.jpg

Si je cite engadget, c'est en test là:

Even schoolkids can't escape China's increasing obsession with surveillance. Over 10 schools in the country's southwestern Guizhou province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have made students wear "intelligent uniforms" from Guanyu Technology in the name of improving attendance and safety. Each uniform has two chips that indicate when a student is entering or exiting school grounds, and automatically sends that data to both parents and teachers. Leave without permission and an automatic voice alarm will make it patently clear you're a truant.

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