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CNRS Lejournal - Gaia BH3 : le trou noir qui ne devrait pas exister (dans notre voie lactée)

On se rassure de suite, il est à 2000 années-lumière ! Le trou noir aurait 33 masses solaires. « C'est le trou noir stellaire le plus massif jamais découvert dans notre Voie lactée, affirme Pasquale Panuzzo, responsable adjoint des données spectroscopiques au sein de la collaboration Gaia. Jamais un  […]

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Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - There Are Thousands of Alien Empires in The Milky Way

We often assume that advanced technology will make it easy for aliens to colonize space. But what if space exploration is always difficult, no matter how advanced you are? 
Let’s travel back in human history, to the colonization of Oceania over 5000 years ago, to find parallels between ancient explorers and extraterrestrial civilizations.

Un "et si..." expliqué à notre niveau, la Terre.

We often assume that advanced technology will make it easy for aliens to colonize space. But what if space exploration is always difficult, no matter how advanced you are? Let’s travel back in human history, to the colonization of Oceania over 5000 years ago, to find parallels between ancient explorers and extraterrestrial civilizations.

There Are Thousands of Alien Empires in The Milky Way

We often assume that advanced technology will make it easy for aliens to colonize space. But what if space exploration is always difficult, no matter how advanced you are? 
Let’s travel back in human history, to the colonization of Oceania over 5000 years ago, to find parallels between ancient explorers and extraterrestrial civilizations.

La vidéo:

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APOD - Unusual Nebula Pa 30

The nebula, dubbed Pa 30, appears in the same sky direction now as a bright guest star did in the year 1181.

Mignon, je cite: In this model, the supernova was not the result of the detonation of a single star, but rather a blast that occurred when two white dwarf stars spiraled together and merged. The blue dot in the center is hypothesized to be a zombie star, the remnant white dwarf that somehow survived  […]

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lehollandaisvolant - Starship reached space. What now? - youtube

Starship Reached Space. What Now?

J'avoue, le "personnage" est peut être zarb.
Le "personnage" n'est peut être pas un Génie, juste un chef-savant-fou.
Le "personnage" n'a pas tellement de limites et donc est en mode « oublie que tu n’as aucune chance, vas-y, fonce ! On sait jamais, sur un malentendu ça peut marcher. »

Et au final, ça fait avancer le Schmilblick.

Starship reached space. What now? - youtube

Starship Reached Space. What Now?

Ce cite Timo, je suis 100% d'ac avec lui + la vidéo

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