Kézako ?

En fait c'est un minuscule truc qui peut être implanté sous la peau et délivrer des molécules en cas de problème. A la base ça a été imaginé/breveté pour les astronautes qui devraient faire de LONG voyages dans l'Espaaaaaaace, genre voyage vers Mars.

Là on se trouve au milieu de nulle part ou presque et loin d'un Docteur, ... donc ces petits machins bourrés de nanotubes, peuvent délivrer pendant des années au besoin des "soins".  N'allez pas imaginer qu'ils "naviguent" dans le corps (ce sera peut être la version 2) il y a dedans des "récepteurs" qui s'ils sont activés délivrent alors le "médicament/contre poison" genre

  • rayon cosmique - hop un peu de G-CSF (Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor)
  • oups diabète insulino dépendant - hop de l'insuline
  • ...

Pas mal ! Et pas besoin d'alimentation, ça pompe ce dont il a besoin dans le corps.


The Miraculous NASA Breakthrough That Could Save Millions of Lives (UPDATED)


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 le  9 févr. 2012

There are no hospitals in space. The closest E.R. is back on Earth, and astronauts can't exactly jump in a cab to get there. So what happens if the sun burps out a massive blast of radiation while an astronaut is space-amblin' by?

The NASA Biocapsule—made of carbon nanotubes—will be able to "diagnose" and instantly treat an astronaut without him or her even knowing there's something amiss. It would be like having your own personal Dr. McCoy—implanted under your skin. It represents one of the most significant breakthroughs in the history of medicine, and yes, it'll work on Earth, too.

Out of all the amazing things we saw during our NASA visits, nothing blew our minds as much as this tiny little bundle of carbon. The Space Biosciences Division at NASA Ames creates medical technology for astronauts. They essentially provide healthcare for outer space. Dr. David Loftus is the man who invented the NASA Biocapsule and has been awarded a patent for it.

Picture this: An astronaut is going to Mars. The round-trip journey will take between two and three years. During that time, the astronaut will not have access to a doctor, and there's a lot that can go wrong with the human body in space. So, prior to launch, the astronaut is implanted with a number of NASA Biocapsules. A very small incision is made in the astronaut's skin for each Biocapsule (probably in the thigh), which is implanted subcutaneously. It's outpatient surgery that requires only local anesthetic and a stitch or two to close the wound. But after it's complete, the astronaut's body is equipped to deal with a whole host of problems on its own. More Here:http://gizmodo.com/5882725/the-miraculous-nasa-breakthrough-that-could-save-m...

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