Une table plutôt résistante !

Fabriquée pour résister à ce qui peut tomber dessus lors d'un tremblement de terre, elle a l'air de plutôt bien faire son travail !

Elle doit résister à la chute d'un objet d'une tonne ...


Earthquake-Ready Table Could Save Your Life in the Future


La vidéo:


 le  7 févr. 2012

At any given time, more than 300,000,000 pupils worldwide are facing impending
danger since their schools are not built to withstand an earthquake. Of special
concern are areas along geological rift lines and children in developing countries,
where construction quality can be poor.
While it is common to instruct pupils to crawl under tables in case of an earthquake,
existing non earthquake designated classroom tables often turn into lethal traps
for those taking refuge.
The "Earthquake-Proof Table" is designed for a range of building types and collapse
scenarios. It provides a comprehensive solution by creating both covering protection
and passageways for rescue team accessibility.
To date, the patent pending design has successfully withstood a series of rigorous
vertical impact tests and is currently awaiting official approval of the world leading
Structural Engineering department of Padua University, Italy.
In addition to various weight and ceiling collapse patterns, the Earthquake-Proof
Table addresses the financial limitations of the schools that need it through
economical, yet responsible production methods and inexpensive materials.
Designed according to sound ergonomic principles, the Earthquake table is light
enough for two children to lift and move, as well as adapted to classroom cleaning
and other routine, non-emergency needs.
The table was initiated as a final project at the Industrial Design department at
the "Bezalel Academy of Art and Design" in Jerusalem, Israel. The table was
designed by (then) student Arthur Brutter under guidance of Senior Lecturer Ido
Bruno. After completion of Arthur's studies, and upon his request, the project
became a joint venture of Arthur, Ido, and Bezalel labs R&D.
The table is currently licensed for manufacture and distribution in Israel by "A.D.
Meraz industries Ltd." a school furniture manufacturer.
Product design and development: Arthur Brutter and Ido Bruno

Product development: 
Bezalel Academy Labs for R&D
lbs@bezalel.ac.il + 972 3 681 7152
A.D miraz industries l.t.d

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