Une pandémie par les airs - comment çà marche(rait) ?

*mode fear ON* ... je comprends mieux le mode *fight virus fear* que j'ai vécu en 1995

  • vol Paris -> Maurice (ouaiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssss)
  • atterrissage à Madagascar pour escale
  • "tout le monde il doit rester assis" que les dames disent !
  • 2 "cosmonautes" entrent dans l'avion ??? Huh ???
  • ils sortent des bombes "insecticides", une dans chaque main ??? Hein ???
  • hop, toute la longueur de l'avion en nous "sprit'ssant" avec leurs bombes !!! Non mais çà va pas là ???
  • le retour du fond de l'avion à la sortie idem !!! WTF !!!
  • hop ils s'en vont et les hôtesses referment l'avion ... M'ENFIN ?
  • escale finie, plein fait, avion repars ...
  • Hé !?!? Il y a que moi que ça dérange ici ?  Ben on dirait que oui, donc ... shut'up
  • arrivé à Maurice: "oui c'est normal, eux toujours faire çà à Madagascar" ... soit

La vidéo, donc, reconstituant ce qui se passe dans de nombreux film la réalité ?

Et si jamais, l'article du MIT: mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/spread-of-disease-in-airports-0723.html

Et pour les antis ricains, c'est ÉVIDEMMENT applicable à tout aéroport international !!!


The role of U.S. airports in disease epidemics


La vidéo:


23 juil. 2012 par 

Public health crises of the past decade — such as the 2003 SARS outbreak, which spread to 37 countries and caused about 1,000 deaths, and the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic that killed about 300,000 people worldwide — have heightened awareness that new viruses or bacteria could spread quickly across the globe, aided by air travel. 

While epidemiologists and scientists who study complex network systems — such as contagion patterns and information spread in social networks — are working to create mathematical models that describe the worldwide spread of disease, to date these models have focused on the final stages of epidemics, examining the locations that ultimately develop the highest infection rates. 

But a new study by researchers in MIT's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) shifts the focus to the first few days of an epidemic, determining how likely the 40 largest U.S. airports are to influence the spread of a contagious disease originating in their home cities. This new approach could help determine appropriate measures for containing infection in specific geographic areas and aid public health officials in making decisions about the distribution of vaccinations or treatments in the earliest days of contagion.

Unlike existing models, the new MIT model incorporates variations in travel patterns among individuals, the geographic locations of airports, the disparity in interactions among airports, and waiting times at individual airports to create a tool that could be used to predict where and how fast a disease might spread.

Read more at MIT News: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/spread-of-disease-in-airports-0723.html

Animation courtesy Juanes Research Group - http://juanesgroup.mit.edu/

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