Attacknid - The joujou ultime du moment pour pôpa et fiston

Ou pas ... parce que je suis sûr qu'il y a des filles qui aimeront aussi ;)

J'en parlais là: ah non, je ne trouve plus le post ... bon, c'est en pre order pour 70£ (The Attacknid Combat Creature is available for pre-order now for £69.99 (~$112 USD)) et c'est un robot

  • à 6 pattes télécommandé (donc pas vraiment une araignée ...)
  • qui a X armures autour de ses pattes
  • une tête/tourelle
  • qui tire des trucs ronds en mousse
  • la tourelle est stabilisée

Le principe: dégommer toutes les pièces d'armures sur le/les opposants puis tirer sur la tourelle jusqu'à immobilisation *WIN*
Je trouve que c'est juste un peu bruyant ...


Combat Creatures Attacknid Robot Revealed: Get Ready for The Holiday Toy of the Year

La vidéo: le gars qui a fait le test est tout simplement OUF ... et j'aime çà =)

Pour les impatients: un exemple de tir sur autre Attacknid à 5:40 et un exemple de *WIN* à partir de 6:40


9 sept. 2012 par 

OK, I am a bit biased in thinking these are super awesome since I did invent them.
Their website from WowStuff! is ""
It has all the info, and how to order them. Its really cool that the guys at WowStuff! have taken a chance on some mad scientist who makes weird walking things. :-) Thanks!
...and the people making them have been incredibly patient, and hard working. Thanks to you guys too! In a nutshell, I'm pretty happy right now, and thanks to everyone who worked hard on these... and also to the people I know, and the people I don't know who have sent me encouragement over the years. Its is appreciated a lot. :-)

I've been busting my butt on these for the last 2 years trying to make sure they're everything they can be. I hope everyone has lots of fun with them, and I'm pretty psyched to see how people modify them. :-) ...aesthetically, electronically, etc. :-)

OK... do I get a vacation now? Where's the beach? ...and the smoothies? mmm..... smoothies.

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