Bug-A-Salt - pas les yeux SVP !

M'enfin, si vous détestez les mouches et autres engins volants et que vous n'avez pas peur de saler votre domicile...

C'est peut être aussi moins "cracra" que la tatane sur le mur.  40$ + fdp sur Amazon

Source: technabob.com

This Salt Firing Shotgun Kills Flies Dead

La vidéo:


12 mars 2014

Learn from the expert Lorenzo on how to master your Bug-A-Salt to become a fly killing Machine! Get 10% off using coupon code: BEREADY order here - http://bugasalt.com/order/

SKELL INC. is a start up company founded by the artist Lorenzo Maggiore as a vehicle to bring his artist creations to commercial life. The initial product offering of SKELL INC. is the BUG-A-SALT™ insect eradication device. Through the help of family and friends, Lorenzo has pulled it off! SKELL INC. is in the process of developing other interesting products in the near future on other planets.


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