Matrix on-going - Paralyzed Individuals Operate Tablet with Brain Implant

Un peu de *fear* mais pas mal de *wow*

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The participants made up to 22 point-and-click selections per minute and typed up to 30 characters per minute in email and text programs. What’s more, all three participants really enjoyed using the tablet, says Hochberg.

As described in the paper, one user noted, “[T]he tablet became second nature to me, very intuitive. It felt more natural than the times I remember using a mouse.” Another said, “[A]mazing! I have more control over this than what I normally use.” The third added that he “loved” sending text messages via the tablet.

Paralyzed Individuals Operate Tablet with Brain Implant the-human-os biomedical devices paralyzed-individuals-operate-tablet-with-brain-implant.jpg

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