[Progra] Manpage de 'vi', section "Repeat" (last command) - un gros fou-rire

Note: vi est un super éditeur texte avec des fonctionnalités de 'ouf'.
Note bis: j'ai aussi connu 'ed' l'ancètre de vi, ouaip je suis vieux.
Note ter: ouaip, RTFM (Read The Fucking Manual)

Je n'ai toujours pas compris le texte du manuel qui parle de la répétition de la dernière commande, partie spécifique "p or P".

Je vous laisse lire, moi j'en ris encore de mon incommensurable incompréhension =)

man vi

man7.org linux man-pages man1 vi.png

Je cite pour mémoire:

                     [count] .

       Repeat the last !, <, >, A, C, D, I, J, O, P, R, S, X, Y, a, c, d, i,
       o, p, r, s, x, y, or ~ command. It shall be an error if none of these
       commands have been executed. Commands (other than commands that enter
       text input mode) executed as a result of map expansions, shall not
       change the value of the last repeatable command.

       Repeated commands with associated motion commands shall repeat the
       motion command as well; however, any specified count shall replace
       the count(s) that were originally specified to the repeated command
       or its associated motion command.

       If the motion component of the repeated command is f, F, t, or T, the
       repeated command shall not set the remembered search character for
       the ; and , commands.

       If the repeated command is p or P, and the buffer associated with
       that command was a numeric buffer named with a number less than 9,
       the buffer associated with the repeated command shall be set to be
       the buffer named by the name of the previous buffer logically
       incremented by 1.

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