Fabuleuse Nature - 'devil worm' qui supporte les hautes pessions et la chaleur

FichtreuHⓒ, il a été découvert à 3.6 kilomètres de profondeur cf Nature !

Et là ils ont étudiés comment son ADN survit à la chaleur des profondeurs.

Je cite le "how", cad avec une protéine là Hsp70 cf la papage Wikipedia protéines de choc thermique (heat shock proteins:

Known as "heat-shock" protein, Hsp70 is found in much smaller amounts in pretty much all life forms. Its job is to repair cells that are damaged from heat. And while other nematodes have Hsp70, H. mephisto boasts it in spades.

The sequencing revealed the worm’s Hsp70 genes were copies of themselves, essentially giving it duplicates and triplicates and quadri — err, you get the idea — until it could endure even the most hellish of habitats.

This may be why the 'devil worm' can live where no other animal can

mnn.com devil-worm-genome-sequencing.jpg

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